IT-DREPS 2013 Guidelines

Reviewers Guidelines

I. Registration Guidelines

Reviewers are are carefully selected based on their contribution and experience in the field.  If you wish to become a reviewer, please choose the conference track(s), and send the General Chair an email at:

Selected reviewers will receive by email a user name and a password.  A reviewer will have access to a specific track, and will be assigned papers to review.  Each submitted paper will be reviewed by at least two reviewers.

Each reviewer is asked to read the "Author Submission Guidelines" in order to assist them in the proper review process.

II. Online Review

  1. Login using your username and password (if not already logged in)

  2. From the top of the home page, Press at the Button Labeled

  1. A table containing a list of papers assigned for your review will be displayed.  You can assess or re-assess any of the papers by pressing on the link in the table taken into consideration the note below.

Note: The online submission and evaluation of papers is accomplished through phases.  These phases are controlled by and are activated by the Conference Chair or Track Chair. 

Contact Track Chair for further questions

آخر تعديل: الأربعاء، 30 مارس 2016، 3:42 PM